Industrial Space Applications

Industrial centers include a combination of facilities, machinery, and services that enable the utilization of energy resources to provide various activities using commodities and the conversion of raw materials or derivatives into finished products.

From Food Industry Factories and automotive manufacturing centers to Chemical Production Centers, pharmaceutical, plastic, laser, etc., it requires a variety of industrial cooling and heating and air conditioning systems that have appropriate cooling and heating for each space and application. And provided precise control over temperature and humidity parameters for facilities and manufacturing processes.

Reliability, safety, robustness and accuracy in the management of heat loads are key features to ensure the proper operation of industrial processes. Energy saving is now seen as a key need to reduce operating costs and environmental effects.

Havasaz with fifty years of experience is a trusted partner for renowned industrial jobs throughout the country and benefits from the remarkable industrial experience gained over many years.

Manufacturing Centers, Factories, Power Plants, Petrochemical Centers, Oil and Gas Refineries, Oil Platforms, Laboratories, Automotive and more who have successfully passed their expertise with a wide range of specific products and solutions.

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